On Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 11:08:49 AM UTC-6, Arjan wrote:

...two further desiderata based on org mode's capabilities
> 1. Support for tabular data inside the body pane.

A new table.py plugin will do this.

2. In OrgMode, outline structure and content are in the same pane.

This is really the key design difference between Leo and emacs/org-mode. I 
have been meaning to write about it. Here are my thoughts:

There are obvious advantages to org mode's operation. Behind the scenes, 
there is only one pane/widget/window, whatever you want to call it.

Would I use the org mode way if I had it to do all over again, knowing what 
I know now about the difficulties involved? Hard to say, but I like the 
separation of outline view and body pane. In Leo, the body pane is *always* 
visible, and I think that's important.

Otoh, an everything-in-one pane design works very well with Emacs's 
"windowing" system. It would be foolish to criticize it much.

> Leo's strength derives from the outline capabilities, so you have to put 
> small units of information in nodes to benefit from that, and that means 
> you can only see one small piece of information at a time **while working 
> on the text / information**.

Interesting.  I never thought of that benefit to the org mode way.

> So, what would be great is to be able to mark e.g. a chapter or section 
> node with an option "include all child nodes in the chapter's body pane in 
> outline order", with the ability to edit the child nodes' contents 
> directly. Probably far-fetched, but I can dream, right? ;)

Something like that has been proposed before. I ignored it then, and I 
don't like your specific proposal much.  But a more general solution is 
interesting, namely one-pane operation, just like org mode. Visually, this 
would be a radical departure for Leo. There would also be large adjustments 
behind the scenes. But everything is possible, given enough effort...


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