This sounds great! I would add two further desiderata based on orgmode's 
capabilities (though I don't know if they are feasible).

1. Support for tabular data inside the body pane. In orgmode capturing some 
tabular data is as easy as writing "| column a | column b |" etc.; you can 
navigate columns with tab, columns adapt their width to the content, and it 
is structure-aware, e.g. you can export tables to CSV/Excel. Perhaps 
something like "@language csv" (or tab-separated @language tsv) could be 
Leo's answer?

2. In OrgMode, outline structure and content are in the same pane. You can 
expand all hierarchies and directly see and work on all the text in context 
(i.e. see the contents of preceding and following headings). I've started 
using Leo for writing and as information-manager, but this is really the 
biggest thing holding me back to use it for everything. Leo's strength 
derives from the outline capabilities, so you have to put small units of 
information in nodes to benefit from that, and that means you can only see 
one small piece of information at a time **while working on the text / 
So, what would be great is to be able to mark e.g. a chapter or section 
node with an option "include all child nodes in the chapter's body pane in 
outline order", with the ability to edit the child nodes' contents 
directly. Probably far-fetched, but I can dream, right? ;)

All best,


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