On Sun, 4 Jun 2017 12:42:10 -0700 (PDT)
Largo84 <larg...@gmail.com> wrote:


> Are there any technical, design or practical reasons why the
> backlinks plugin is limited to 'internal' links? I thought about

Sort of.  The backlinks plugin uses GNXs (node IDs) for persistence.  I
think - I wrote it, but haven't touched that part of it for a long time.
GNXs don't include any file info, so you can only interpret them in the
context of the current file.

I suspect the backlinks plugin could be extended to use UNLs too, might
be a bit fiddly because the graphviz plugin depends on backlinks, so
that would need tweaking too.  But probably makes more sense than
creating a new but very similar plugin.  I'll try and remember to
investigate, but won't be for a few days.

(UNLs can include file info. and thus make cross file links, like Lewis

Cheers -Terry

> creating a new plugin based on the backlink plugin, but I don't have
> the faintest notion of where to begin.
> Rob.......
> On Sunday, June 4, 2017 at 6:07:19 AM UTC-4, lewis wrote:
> >
> > You can use the bookmarks plugin to create links to other nodes
> > *within* a single .leo file. Simply edit the bookmark node's body
> > text to include the node name:
> > N:/path/to/file/my_file.leo#node_name
> > and for multi-level nodes:
> > N:/path/to/file/my_file.leo#node_name-->child_node
> >
> > Regards
> > Lewis
> >
> > On Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 12:56:31 AM UTC+10, Largo84 wrote:
> >>
> >> [snip
> >>
> >  
> >
> >> ] The bookmarks plugin doesn't really do what I need either. Any 
> >> suggestions on how to create links to nodes in other .leo files?
> >>
> >

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