I usually use a script that Edward wrote a while back:

It generates something like:

As opposed to what is in the status bar below:
g:\Shared Workbook.leo#Reference-->Pandoc Instructions

Is there a script version (or additional parameters) that would generate a 
UNL that would 'play nicer' with the plugin?


On Sunday, June 18, 2017 at 11:13:38 AM UTC-4, Terry Brown wrote:
> How are you generating the UNL that you link to?  It's best to just 
> enter something like 
> "c:\leo\git\leo-editor\leo\plugins\leoPlugins.leo#Plugins-->Files and 
> nodes-->@file backlink.py-->class backlinkController-->updateTabInt" 
> without quotes, i.e. the text shown by default at the bottom of Leo's 
> main window.  As opposed to the indexed form: 

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