Thanks for being patient with this non-programmer.  And I'm glad I stumbled 
in here and stumbled upon the right person who has a personal interest in 
Zettelkasten. Are we more or less caught up now? Have I answered all 
questions where you wanted my responses?  What's next step? Any other 
questions we need to be thinking about? Oh, I know of one:

I think for myself I would like the system to generate date-time based UIDs 
for new zettels (so I don't have to type them in), but to have the option 
to type in title as UID or default the first line to title per your 
suggestion. have the option which way to do it.  BUT, what about parsing my 
archive files?  I will want those zettels dated from origin. They start 
around 1990 and go up to the present. I would like to be able to call up 
zettels by date or date range as well as other keys.  Hopefully the system 
can do that.

Maybe it's as simple as entering my UID manually when I prep a file for the 
parser, though in that case I would not be using the full YYMMDDHHMMSS 
format, probably just YYMMDDxx, since date will be the finest granularity 
available to me. I'll just increment the last two digits after DD for the 
zettels written on that day.  Another point on that: I won't be consigning 
the entire content of these files to zettels; just the points I'm 
interested in. There will be a lot of verbal cruft that I don't need, and 
this is my opportunity to clean up my mess.  I expect the parser will just 
keep parsing line by line until it finds another zettel code that I've set?

Anybody know how to recover old MS Word 2003 files where I've lost the 

OK, one more item: I'm on board with the notion of making zettels short, 
keeping the thought atomic. I see the value of that, but I won't always be 
able to do it. I have a goodly number of non-atomic thoughts, even essays, 
book chapters... But I want them in my ThoughtBase nonetheless. Also, I 
will be drawing on groups of zettels to write longer pieces, possibly 
someday a book or two (Luhmann wrote 60 books from his zettelkasten). I 
realize that at some point you need to take it elsewhere (Scrivener or 
whatever) to finish it, but I can imagine doing most everything up to rough 
draft in Zettelkasten.  IOW I feel I need to have no limit on zettel size.

Earlier you suggested starting a new thread. Are we coming to a good point 
to do that? I lean upon your best judgement; no strong opinion either way.

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