On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 10:22 AM andyjim <andyji...@gmail.com> wrote:

So a child, through cloning, can also be parent of its parent?

No. That would create a cycle. Leo carefully checks for this and warns if a
move or drag would create such a cycle.

And a sibling can also be parent of another sibling?

Yes, provided that no cycles ensue.

So this deliberately and fruitfully breaks the confinement and limitation
> that is inherent in a strict hierarchical structure.  And this enables,
> rather than stultifies or confuses creativity/productivity/order.  Exactly
> what I'm looking for, and that few if any others do.

I agree.

Important: Being a "drawer" is not an intrinsic property of a node. *You*
decide which nodes to *treat* as a drawer. Ditto for views.

You could, for example, *declare *that @drawer nodes (nodes whose headlines
start with @drawer) are drawers. You might then write Leonine scripts that
create/respect this convention.

In short: Directed Acyclic Graphs don't impose any particular
interpretation of their contents. That's up to you (and your scripts) to do.


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