On Monday, February 17, 2020 at 8:08:30 PM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
> Sure, I understand.  And I wasn't thinking about delineating the different 
> pieces by date so much as automatically extracting them.  Sounds like that 
> won't work.
> However, having the dates in the zettels would have the advantage that 
> they can be searched for in Leo without us having to write any new code.

I am wondering: Early in this thread someone said you can, in Leo, easily 
break out selected sections from a file, into a new node I believe.  Maybe 
that's what I should do.  I have to work through these files anyway to 
'create' zettels, so why not simply do that in Leo, then format the 
zettels, in Leo.  No need for a parser at all?

It appears you are casting your net beyond Leo a bit too, in case there is 
something out there that does almost all of what we want.  Brain? 
MindForge?  Let me know what you find. I was unable to install MindForge on 
my Mac even though there are instructions to build it. Didn't work.

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