On Saturday, February 15, 2020 at 10:13:03 PM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
>> 7. Time Stamp
>> agreed generally. I do want date of origin, and I would like modification 
>> dates as well. The vast bulk of my zettels will be extracted from archived 
>> files, so I will have to manually enter those dates of origin as I prep 
>> those files for the parser. And I want to be able to search the 
>> zettelkasten by time stamp as well as (and in combination with) other 
>> handles. 
> I'm not sure what date you will get from an archived file.  It will depend 
> on the archiving method, I'm sure.  Windows will claim the creation date is 
> the date a file was created, but that means that a copy you make today of a 
> twenty year old file would have a creation date of today.  The last 
> modified date will show the last time you modified a file, which might be 
> that day twenty years ago.  What dates might come out of your archive, I 
> don't know.
> Leo will apply the timestamp of the time you create a node.  That can't 
> change, because Leo used it internally.
> The upshot is that if some of these timestamps are going to be important 
> to you, they will have to added.  One way is to put them right in the file 
> using some simple syntax.  I posted up with some possibilities a few days 
> ago.  Another way is at write some code that lets you add them to the 
> node's metadata, similar to the way that the backlinks plugin handles 
> links.  That would be more of an effort to get going.  I would say that for 
> now, the best way to get going would be to put them into the text of the 
> zettel, and later we can write some code to pull them out, index them, and 
> make them more available for searching.  Or we could modify the renderer to 
> not show them if that's what we want.
>> If the system-applied UID is time-based (YYMMDDHHMMSS, since I might 
>> create more than one zettel within a minute), then the UID could double as 
>> the timestamp. But, for my zettels drawn from archive I would have to 
>> append additional identifying characters after the YYMMDD portion of the 
>> (user-created) UID, since many of those zettels will have been created on 
>> the same day but without HHMMSS data available.
>> I have been misleading in using the word 'archive'.  What I've called 
archived files are simply Word files in a folder I named 'archive'. They 
are not in an archive format.
I am also misleading in my use of 'time stamp'.  I simply want date of 
origin with everything I write, for context. I realize that the system is 
going to time stamp every new zettel at the time it is created and that's 
fine.  But when I make a zettel from something I wrote 25 years ago, I 
would like the date that I wrote that item to be in the zettel, probably 
right in the body where I can see it.  In my yearly files, in which I wrote 
nearly every day, I (usually) typed the current date each day before I 
started writing. I would like the date of origin (meaning the date I did 
the writing) to be part of the format of any zettel, new or old.  For those 
old files, I will need to go through and format with markdown every zettel 
for the parser.  I would like the date of origin to be in that template, 
and I realize completely that I will have to manually type in that date for 
each and every zettel, in the exact arrangement the parser will require. I 
will need to insert tags, keywords, titles (if possible), headings, etc 
insofar as I can, as part of prepping the old files for the parser. I think 
that is the time to do it, so that when brought into the system by the 
parser, the zettels are fully formed, correctly formatted, populated with 
everything they require and ready to behave as all good little zettels do. 

I hope to accomplish all that prep work in one manual pass through the file 
so I don't have more work to do on the zettel after it's in the system. I 
don't anticipate that this will work out as smoothly as we wish, and that 
there will be trial and error in me and the parser to cooperate with each 
other, and work to do getting the pieces to fit after it's in the system, 
and exactly what headings I want, what tags I want (I know all this must 
evolve). But I want to get each zettel as close as possible to correct 
before it hits the system. We'll have to learn as we go, and I'll try it 
first of course on small files to iron out the kinks before attempting it 
on larger files. It will be an adventure.  As you begin to develop it, 
please give me homework assignments to prepare and train myself. I have to 
learn a lot about Leo, for one thing.

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