Very relevant here are the repeated remarks in "Taking Smart Notes" - I 
have my copy now - that more important then slip-case details are how you 
take, write, and interconnect the slips.  It is that work that really makes 
all the difference.

With that in mind, I really want to start with a very simple computer 
system, one that has almost nothing to remember or get in the way.  So for 
now, I'm happy with my  outline structure, and the three keystroke commands 
I came up with.

I still am interested in using mindmaps together with the slip-case, 
though.  I just found viewer software for many of my old mind map files.  I 
used it to look at a mindmap that I used in a funding proposal over 15 
years ago, one that I had forgotten about.  In a few minutes, it all came 
back to me.  I remember the proposed project and why I was interested in 
it, and the technical approach I wanted to take.

I haven't found any suitable free software so far (I'm not that taken with 
Freemind and Freeplane, though I may not have tried them long enough).  My 
concept right now is to export a section of the zettelkasten you are 
working with to a mind map (with the links) that opens in a new Leo panel, 
and a click on an object in the mind map would take you to the Leo node for 
that object in your zettelkasten, and possibly display the note in the 
panel too.  Best of both worlds!

On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 5:50:11 PM UTC-5, andyjim wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 5:24:19 AM UTC-5, Marcel Franke wrote:
>>  Yes, for some reasons there is a cargo-cult growing around Luhmann and 
>> his knowledge-system. 
>> Which is kinda strange, as it's really not that special and we today have 
>> many better systems in use. 
> I really appreciate your comments here. I must frankly admit that the only 
> reason I am barking up the zettelkasten tree is that I have failed to run 
> across a better system, one better suited to my usage, which will be 
> similar to, though of course not a replica of Luhmann's. If I can indeed 
> discover an existing system that does what zettelkasten does and more and 
> better, I for one will immediately abandon all interest in zettelkasten and 
> quickly become an avid user and proponent of such a system. I am looking at 
> zettelkasten only because I had despaired of finding something better.
> So please, if you would, point us toward at least a few of the many better 
> systems for this general type of usage that you have discovered. I do not 
> think anyone here will object to the mention of specific softwares, and you 
> could save us quite a lot of wasted effort reinventing the wheel when the 
> wheel apparently is not that good to begin with.
> Thanks much 

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