On Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 2:44:43 PM UTC-5, Edward K. Ream wrote:

> When using --no-docks, users can choose the layout using @string 
> initial-split-orientation = horizontal.

We have got to get a handle on documentation so that things like this 
surface more easily.  If I install a new editor, I expect it to open up in 
a usable way.  If I think I would like to change something, I usually have 
a fighting chance by using the help and menus.   Leo is different.  Where 
do I go to find out about the command line options?  Well, yes, --help, if 
I'm a person who knows about that convention.

Oh, this isn't a command line option.  Hmm.  Now where do I go for that? 
How do I change font size or face?  Hmm, there are a few menu entries but 
not in the place I would expect options or settings. Maybe I come to 
realize that I should copy sections from LeoSetings.leo to 
MyLeoSettings.leo.  But which ones?

Well, I'm sure a lot of us know these problems.  But you know what?  I've 
still got font settings on my myLeoSettings.leo file that I think are 
obsolete, but I can't be sure which ones they are so I just leave them in.  
So now I can't tell anyone else what settings to use because I don't know 
which ones are effective any more.

Well, sorry for the rant, it's *really* off topic.  Another thread, I 

And after using Leo on and off for a decade, I still didn't know about 
@string initial-split-orientation = horizontal.

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