On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 4:57 PM Thomas Passin <tbp100...@gmail.com> wrote:

If I install a new editor, I expect it to open up in a usable way.

Leo does open in a usable way.

> Oh, this isn't a command line option.  Hmm.  Now where do I go for that?

leoSettings.leo.  In general, if a setting isn't in leoSettings.leo it can
safely be removed from myLeoSettings.leo

At present a few settings in leoSettings.leo are out of date. These relate
to the black and beautify commands. Otherwise leoSettings.leo should be a
reliable reference.

leoSettings.leo contains a check-settings script. This is mostly for my
use, and it has a few problems, as described in #1511
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/1511>. I'll be working on
this issue today. It will soon report settings in myLeoSettings.leo that do
not correspond to any code. That would make the script more generally

In short, the situation isn't nearly as bad as you imply.


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