On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 6:15 PM Matt Wilkie <map...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No-docks as default is the safest route to a better experience for most
> people in my opinion. It's just too easy to get things messed up when using
> docks and getting back to reasonable restart place is very hacky.

I agree. Let people experiment with qt docks after they have a bit more

> I suppose it's too complicated to be able to switch dock modes via a menu
> item or command, right? What about swapping between and resetting layouts?
> It seems like a small thing, closing Leo and restarting is straightforward,
> but it really adds a lot of mental friction.

I'm not going to touch the present docking code, except for fixing real
bugs, like #1506 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/1506> and
#1507 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/1507>.  The code is
already way too difficult.

Long term, is there any viable or even a possibly-viable path to
> harmonizing or joining the layout methods? I'm sure the work of keeping
> both up to date and working indefinitely into the future is an undesirable
> burden.

No. I know of no way to do that. They are two very different worlds.
Abandon all hope :-)

On defaults: I also vote for 2 column layout with Outline and Log on left
> with Body on right using full top to bottom extent. Of course people should
> be able to design and save their own local default.

This seems to be the consensus. It's on the list.

I don't have a recommendation for Find and Nav tabs. I frequently want
> them, but they're also almost always in the way. I guess that's why other
> editors use pop-ups. (Notepad++ replace dialog goes transparent when it
> loses focus, which is rather nice. I imagine that was a fair bit of work.)

Pyzo uses a popup, as does scite. As a workaround, I recommend setting
@bool minibuffer-find-mode = True.


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