On Monday, March 2, 2020 at 10:59:57 PM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
> As I finish up the work on the Viewrendered3 plugin, I'd appreciate some 
> advice on a few points.  

A second question is about docks.  At the moment, I have not got the plugin 
working with the old, dockless mechanism.  I have been working on the 
assumption that this would be good enough because the  non-dock 
configuration would be fading away.  But from some recent discussion 
threads, I see that this is not the case.  There is still real interest in 

My question here is whether to release the plugin even though it doesn't 
work dockless, or to delay until I get that sorted out.  My difficulty here 
is that I don't really understand the whole pane system, especially 
dockless.  So I have to blindly copy other code, and if it doesn't quite 
fit how I've done some things, I have a problem.  I don't like being in 
this position, but there it is.

So advice about this issue will be very gratefully received!

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