I've been making a mistake in setting up Leo and using it for years!

I've always run Leo from my local git clone of it, (usually the develop 
branch), never realizing I should have been using setup.py to make sure the 
python it is running under is fully ready to support it.  I just used 
launchleo.py to start it, adding any packages that it complained about as 
"missing" and carrying on.

I was using the very "fat" anaconda as my system python and not using any 
virtual environments.  Now that their conda utility program has been made 
to work under powershell, (it only worked "cmd", before), --note use 
"<path-to-conda>/conda init" to integrate it into powershell, I realiize 
this wasn't the way to go.

I got rid of Anaconda, (not easy, uninstall and getting rid of 
directories...), then just went with Miniconda.  I now can create conda 
env(s), leobase, leobase1, leobase2, and so on.  This is were I finally 
tumbled on what setup.py was for!  

My first naive approach was to run the script directly with the leobase 
enviroment active, but it does not run completely this way, (it does a 
bunch of stuff, then exits with a failed import).  I found (and Matt 
pointed out to me), that I should be using pip, specifically: "pip install 
--editable ." --while in the git directory of leo.

Anyway, I expanded the docstring of setup.py and put in a guard to prevent 
anyone from using it naively like I did.   I've attached below.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#@+node:maphew.20180224170853.1: * @file C:/VC/git/leo-editr/setup.py
"""setup.py for leo

As the top level setup script in a package, library, or application -- as here, for the leo-editor Application, it is meant to make the package installable in a 'ready to use' state.  If you 'pip install leo-editor' this script will be run.

Note: if you are running Leo out of you own local git copy of leo-editor, you'll need to run the command:
pip install --editable <path_to_repo> 
pip install --editable .
   if you are in the repository.
#@+node:trf.20200325085135.1: ** guard to prevent running at top-level
# This file is only meant to be run by pip, not by itself.
# Below is a guard to prevent that and offer advice.

if __name__ == "__main__" :
    print('"setup.py" is only meant to be run by pip.  ')
    print('From inside the Leo package directory, please run: ')
    print('   pip install --editable .   ')
    print('To make Leo fully ready to run')
#@+node:maphew.20180305124637.1: ** imports
from codecs import open  # To use a consistent encoding
import os
import platform
# from shutil import rmtree
from setuptools import setup, find_packages  # Always prefer setuptools over distutils
import sys

# Ensure setup.py's folder is in module search path else import leo fails
# required for pip >v10 and pyproject.toml
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoVersion as leoVersion
#@+node:mhw-nc.20190126224021.1: ** setup janitor
   from setupext_janitor import janitor
   CleanCommand = janitor.CleanCommand
except ImportError:
   CleanCommand = None

cmd_classes = {}
if CleanCommand is not None:
   cmd_classes['clean'] = CleanCommand
#@+node:maphew.20181010203342.385: ** get_version & helper (setup.py)
def get_version(file, version=None):
    """Determine current Leo version. Use git if in checkout, else internal Leo"""
    root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(file))
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, '.git')):
        version = git_version(file)
    if not version:
        version = get_semver(leoVersion.version)
    return version
#@+node:maphew.20181010203342.386: *3* git_version
def git_version(file, version=None):
    Fetch from Git: {tag} {distance-from-tag} {current commit hash}
    Return as semantic version string compliant with PEP440
    root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(file))
        tag, distance, commit = g.gitDescribe(root)
            # 5.6b2, 55, e1129da
        ctag = clean_git_tag(tag)
        #version = get_semver(ctag)
        version = ctag
        if int(distance) > 0:
            version = '{}-dev{}'.format(version, distance)
    except IndexError:
        print('Attempt to `git describe` failed with IndexError')
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print('Attempt to `git describe` failed with FileNotFoundError')
    return version
#@+node:maphew.20180224170257.1: *4* clean_git_tag
def clean_git_tag(tag):
    """Return only version number from tag name. Ignore unknown formats.
       Is specific to tags in Leo's repository.
            5.7b1          -->	5.7b1
            Leo-4-4-8-b1   -->	4-4-8-b1
            v5.3           -->	5.3
            Fixed-bug-149  -->  Fixed-bug-149
    if tag.lower().startswith('leo-'): tag = tag[4:]
    if tag.lower().startswith('v'): tag = tag[1:]
    return tag
#@+node:maphew.20180224170149.1: *3* get_semver
def get_semver(tag):
    """Return 'Semantic Version' from tag string"""
        import semantic_version
        version = str(semantic_version.Version.coerce(tag, partial=True))
            # tuple of major, minor, build, pre-release, patch
            # 5.6b2 --> 5.6-b2
    except(ImportError, ValueError) as err:
        print('\n', err)
            f"*** Failed to parse Semantic Version from git tag '{tag}'.\n"
            "Expecting tag name like '5.7b2', 'leo-4.9.12', 'v4.3' for releases.\n"
            "This version can't be uploaded to PyPi.org.")
        version = tag
    return version
#@+node:maphew.20171006124415.1: ** Get description
with open('README.md') as f:
    long_description = f.read()
#@+node:maphew.20141126230535.4: ** classifiers
classifiers = [
    'Development Status :: 6 - Mature',
    'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
    'Intended Audience :: Developers',
    'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
    'Natural Language :: English',
    'Operating System :: MacOS',
    'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
    'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux',
    'Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only',
    'Topic :: Software Development',
    'Topic :: Text Editors',
    'Topic :: Text Processing',
#@+node:maphew.20180415195922.1: ** Setup requirements
setup_requires = []
    # setup_requires no longer needed with PEP-518 and pip >v10
#@+node:maphew.20171120133429.1: ** User requirements
user_requires = [
    'PyQt5 >= 5.12, < 5.13',  # v5.12+ to close #1217
    'PyQtWebEngine < 5.13',  # #1202 QtWebKit needs to be installed separately starting Qt 5.6
    'asttokens',  # abstract syntax tree text parsing
    'docutils',  # used by Sphinx, rST plugin
    'flexx',  # for LeoWapp browser gui
    'meta',  # for livecode.py plugin, which is enabled by default
    'nbformat',  # for Jupyter notebook integration
    'pylint', 'pyflakes', 'black',  # coding syntax standards
    'setupext-janitor >= 1.1',  # extend `setup.py clean` #1055,#1255
    'pyshortcuts >= 1.7',  # desktop integration (#1243)
    'sphinx',  # rST plugin
    'windows-curses; platform_system=="Windows"',  # for console mode on Windows
#@+node:maphew.20190207205714.1: ** define_entry_points
def define_entry_points(entry_points=None):
    1. Define scripts that get installed to PYTHONHOME/Scripts.
    2. Extend `python setup.py clean` to remove more files (issue #1055)
    print('Creating entry_points for [OS name - system]: {} - {}'.format(
        platform.os.name, platform.system()))
    entry_points = {'console_scripts': [
            'leo-c = leo.core.runLeo:run_console',
            'leo-console = leo.core.runLeo:run_console'],
            'gui_scripts': ['leo = leo.core.runLeo:run']}

    # Add leo-messages wrapper for windows platform
    # (use python.exe instead of pythonw.exe in order to show console msgs)
    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
        x = entry_points['console_scripts']
        x.append('leo-m = leo.core.runLeo:run')
        x.append('leo-messages = leo.core.runLeo:run')
        entry_points.update({'console_scripts': x})

            'distutils.commands': [
            'clean = setupext_janitor.janitor:CleanCommand']})

    return entry_points

    # version = leo.core.leoVersion.version,
    author='Edward K. Ream',
    license='MIT License',
    description='An IDE, PIM and Outliner',  # becomes 'Summary' in pkg-info
    long_description_content_type="text/markdown",  # PEP566
    platforms=['Linux', 'Windows', 'MacOS'],
    include_package_data=True,  # also include MANIFEST files in wheels
    cmdclass={'clean': janitor.CleanCommand},  # clean more than setuptools, #1055

#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4

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