On Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 2:01:53 PM UTC-4, Matt Wilkie wrote:
>> Then you could keep your development code entirely out of the repo until 
>> you got it to the point it was worth adding it in.  I'd like that.
> A fork would accomplish this and then be easier to add to the main repo 
> later. I think so anyway, but there  might be things I'm not considering 
> that could make it more work than is desireable.

With the confusions I've had using github forks, I think I'd like to work 
in my own Mercurial repo, where I would only need my own code and not the 
entire Leo distro, and copy the results to my Github fork of Leo.  For that 
to work, the most convenient way would be for Leo to load plugins from the 
PYTHONPATH instead of its own location.

One of the github things that I haven't mastered is when I start a branch 
for a project - say based off devel - and then that upstream branch changes 
before I'm ready to merge or do a pull request.  Of course, this happens 
all the time.  If I don't update my fork to upstream, then the merge or 
pull request could involve all those other changed files that I wasn't 
working on.  If I do update to upstream, then the update would step all 
over my work, and I would have to copy my work back into the fork.

Do you know how to make this all work?

So until I learn how to avoid this problem, I need a place to develop my 
stuff that's outside of the fork.

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