OK, it *WORKS*.
My correct path was indeed C:\leo-editor-master\leo\plugins\, and I now 
remember that what's in 
(NOT \leo) is a bunch of stuff that I guessed was like pointing to the 
actual source directory (leo-editor-master). I downloaded the plugin file 
following your instructions, and the file had a couple hundred bytes less 
than my clumsy cut-and-paste of the code. I should have thought of looking 
up the code of leo_to_html.py: I had noticed the difference of menu name  
in its doc and could have fixed it, but without a complete, deep, 
well-organized documentation, to the non-advanced-IT-professional Leo is 
such a black box that the idea didn't cross my mind.

*THANK YOU SO MUCH THOMAS!* I got the job done just as my nightly backups 
started, ruthlessly hogging the CPU of the laptop I was using.

By the way, several other plugins don't work anymore. I forgot which ones.

The "outside of the python directory" LEO-EDITOR-MASTER trick is a very 
good one. It makes updating both python and Leo sources much easier, 
without having to create environments etc. It seems to have disappeared 
from the "downloading Leo" webpage, though. There was a "downloading 
sources" section, and I always assumed that the other download methods were 
providing a kind of half "compiled' Leo, so I never used them. Is that the 
case? now the whole sources package can be downloaded from github, I guess.

"Leo is a PIM" is not really true anymore.
Without the whole professional programmer's knowledge of all the 
intricacies of  process and online platforms such as github and all the 
extra software used to put together and install something like Leo, the guy 
like me for whom computers are first and foremost (addictive) tools to 
achieve other things, Leo's complexity has evolved so much that it is now 
only a great tool for programmers.

I'm planning to go back to OmniOutliner: I'll have my outlines (with 
pictures) on my Mac, on my PCs through Teamviewer, and on my iPad and 
iPhone without having to convert them to OPML with a script. I won't have 
to go through reams of scattershot documentations at every turn of the road.

It was an interesting adventure...

On Monday, May 13, 2024 at 10:06:08 PM UTC tbp1...@gmail.com wrote:

> Yes, once you find the leo-to-html.py file, download it and then copy into 
> your Python install's *site-packages/leo/plugins* directory.
> To find that location, open a terminal or console and run
> py -m pip show leo
> NOTE - use the actual command that you use to run Python if it's not 
> "py".  The response will include a line that tells you where the right 
> *site-packages* directory is.  On my system it's
> Location: C:\Users\tom\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python312\site-packages
> Here's a step-by-step now that's in the main Leo-Editor repository.  
> First, navigate to the top of the repo 
> <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor>. Select the *Code* tab if it's 
> not selected. Then select the *devel* branch in the branch selector box, 
> near the upper left.  Then navigate to *leo/plugins* page and scroll down 
> until you find the link to our file, *leo-html.py*.  Click that link.
> In  that page, the one for our file,  notice near the upper right that 
> there is a box labeled "Raw".  There is a download icon next to it.  Click 
> that to download our file.
> Please post about any apparent bugs you find - I haven't given this fix 
> much of a workout.  I hoped to get you running as quickly as possible since 
> you sounded as if you depend a lot on the plugin.
> On Monday, May 13, 2024 at 5:48:26 PM UTC-4 chr...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Monday, May 13, 2024 at 8:06:29 PM UTC tbp1...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I have created a pull request, 3907 
>> <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/pull/3907>, that gets this 
>> plugin working again.  At least, it works when outputting just the 
>> headlines. 
>> If anyone wants to try it out before the PR gets merged into the devel 
>> branch, you can follow the link in the Github PR page to my repository and 
>> get the file there.
>> Thanks Thomas, I half understand "Github PR page to my repository"... is 
>> the name of the file LEO-TO-HTML.? and do I replace the same file in my 
>> installation?

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