On Wednesday 03 October 2012 19:31:14 Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> I remember some ... long and IMO insane thread on the systemd-devel list
> about something like this.  The end result of that thread was that
> "startx" is apparently not supposed to be used anymore, at least not in
> its default configuration, or something.
> When the X server fires up on a new VC, nothing in systemd ties that new
> VC to the user session or X session or whatever the heck it needs to tie
> it to for authorization, and so something related to logging in or
> authorization or something, fails.  The suggested workaround on
> systemd-devel was "startx -- vt0" or something along those lines, or
> using a display manager that talks to logind/systemd/whatever-it-was
> directly.
> Which is yet another reason I'm not going to use this setup, frankly.
> Yeah, this thread:
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2012-August/006382.html

Thanks, after reading the thread I managed to modify my startx script so it 
starts X on the same VC and polkit now correctly detects the session 
as active.
By starting systemd's session manager logind from the system-session pam file, 
I was finally able to retire consolekit.

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