martin wrote:
> Xandros 4.1 OS, AMD64 SATA disks.
> menu.lst  - reads;
> "
> # By default boot the first menu entry.
> default 0
> # Allow 30 seconds before booting the default.
> timeout 30
> # Use prettier colors.
> color green/black light-green/black
> # The first entry is for LFS.
> title LFS 6.3
> root (hd0,6)
> kernel /boot/lfskernel- root=/dev/sda7   

I have sata disk too and have experienced NP. Here's the pertinent 
snippet of my menu.lst

> # The first entry is for LFS. 7/7/7
> title LFS 6.2 ide-cd 7/7/7
> root (hd0,0)
> kernel /lfskernel- hdc=ide-cd root=/dev/sda2

Note that the "hdc=" thing tells the kernel about ide CD drives. I don't 
know if it's related, but you'll probably need this down the road.

> "
> The LFS system is located in /mnt/lfs which is situated on/dev/sda7.
> The following text is displayed when loading comes to a halt.
> ".......
> Root - NFS: No NFS server available , giving up.

The above line is, I *think* your problem. You should not be trying to 
boot from an NFS (Network File System) volume here? And the line below, 
I *think*, confirms this as the "root" (no pun intended) of your problem.

> VFS: unable to mount root fs via NFS trying floppy
> VFS: insert root floppy and press enter
> ...."
> Floppy, prepared as in section 8.4, was inserted, pressed return.
> The following text was displayed;
> "
> List of all partitions:
> 0200      1440 fd0 (driver?)
> 0300    4194302 hda driver: ide-cdrom
> 0340    4194302 hdb driver: ide-cdrom
> No filesystem could mount root, tried: reiserfs ext3 ext2 msdos vfat iso9660
> Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 
> unknown-block(2,0)."
> I have found it impossible to elicit the significance of the text in either 
> of these messages.
> Starting the machine with the root floppy made in section 8.4 provides the 
> following data;
> "
> root (hd0,6)
> Filesystem type is ex2fs, partition type 0x83
> setup (hd0)
> Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists  ... yes
> Checking if "/boot/grub/stage2" exists  ... yes
> Checking if "/boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5" exists  ... yes
> Running "embed /boot/grube2fs_stage1_5 (hd0)"  ... 15 sectors are embedded.
> suceeded
> Running "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0)1+15 p 
> (hd0,6)/boot/grub/stage2 /boot/grub/menu.lst" ... succeded
> Done.
> "
> I am at a loss.  The grub boot loader says the system is unworkable but 
> the response from the floppy triggering an unloaded machine says that 
> there is nothing wrong with the boot loader or the relevant file structures.
> Are there any checks that I can carry out on the build to confirm that 
> it is healthy?
> Have I wrongly called the hard disc /dev/hda7 in menu.lst?  This is how the 
> existing kernel -2.6.18-dcc-smp labels the devices.

You called it sda7, according to your stuff above. That's also what I 
have done in my menu.lst (sda2). As long as the drivers for your SATA 
interface are compiled in, all should work, barring other unknown errors.

If you did *not* compile in the SATA device drivers, you'll have 
problems, IIRC.

> Can anybody recommend any literature that will explain simply what has gone 
> wrong please.

It's been *ages* since I looked at the mailing lists, but this is not an 
uncommon problem (from years ago). Search the lists and you'll probably 
get many possible causes.

Having been essentially away from LFS for several years, I can't be much 
more help ATM.

> martin welsh
> This is a 'copy' of a message sent at the end of January.

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