On Thu, Dec 05, 2013 at 08:01:50PM +1300, Simon Geard wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-12-04 at 20:33 -0600, Dan McGhee wrote:
> > Ken, are K10 and A10 the same?
> Nope. K10 refers to a generation of AMD processors from about 3 years
> ago (including the Phenom II in my current desktop box). A10 is a
> specific model of their current A-series processors. It's possible
> they're similar enough that K10 optimisations and stuff will work, but
> they might not be too...
> Simon.
 In the context of what I wrote earlier (K10 and later for acpi
cpufreq, and MK8 working on K10) I *think* it should be fine.

 The other day my A4 locked up (left it running but idle, waiting
for a scheduled backup to run, then came back later to find that
there was no video output and it didn't respond to Magic SysRQ).
When I rebooted there was nothing in the logs and it hadn't got as
far as running the backup.  Undebuggable, but that is the nature of
many sporadic kernel problems.  So, no promises.

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