On Tue, Oct 01, 2019 at 10:52:09PM +0000, geist1...@juno.com wrote:
> Hi All;
> My Video Card took a Dump, and so far, nothing else that I have Works..

I'm not surprised - I had a K6-2 when I started playing with LFS,
but the chipset died around 2003.  These mobos were sold as a
cheaper alternative to intel, so even in the days when hardware was
expected to last for a few years the items were built down to a price.

Much as it might hurt, my advice is to give up on it.

If it makes you feel any better, I recently trashed my i3
SandyBridge (from about 2012) because it was too slow compiling
BLFS and I hoped to reuse the case - until I discovered the case
on/off switch was hard-wired to the PSU instead of being on generic

More generally, if a home-quality PC is older than, say, 5 years
then building BLFS packages becomes painfully slow : not because
modern CPUs are necessarily faster (many are not), but because
memory speeds and disk I/O speeds have moved on.  And most people
who develop software use recent machines and recent compilers.

So I'm sorry that your VGA card has died, but I suspect it has saved
you from a lot of pain.

Truth, in front of her huge walk-in wardrobe, selected black leather
boots with stiletto heels for such a barefaced truth.
                                     - Unseen Academicals
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