>> In my experience, any time a system misbehaves, that's a bug!  You need 
>> to chase that sucker down until you know exactly what happened and why! 
>>  Then fix it and KNOW you fixed it! 
> How would I go about doing that, what steps do I take ??

That is "debugging", and I don't know if it CAN be trained.  I've observed that 
some people are good at building detailed mental constructs from hypotheticals 
and making judgements and comparisons with and about them, and others need to 
have a reality presented to them.  It's sort of the difference between an 
engineer and a mechanic.  I think it's a talent.  

> Is there any tests that I could Run on Mint and see what fails ??

Your description is still not precise enough for me to get an idea of what's 
going wrong.  Something as simple and direct as telling me what is going on at 
the time it fails, e.g. runing some particular program, what made you decide it 
was "stuck".  "Stuck" isn't an operative word.

Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)
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