On Thu, 18 Sep 2014 06:55:52 -0400 (EDT), Alexander V. Lukyanov wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 09:38:10PM -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:
>> Of course, to avoid errors on the server, lftp is sending a close_notify
>> alert before closing the write side of the connection on its end, right?
> I have fixed that, please try 
> http://lftp.yar.ru/ftp/devel/lftp-

OK, I have tried the development snapshot referenced above.
It doesn't seem to give the server any problems.  The last four
lines of debug output on the client side are now as follows:

---> QUIT
<--- 221 Goodbye.
gnutls_record_recv: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.; assuming 
---- Closing control socket

I'm not trying to be picky, but the above error message is
not correctly punctuated.  The problem is that the error message
text in gnutls_strerror(res) includes a period at the end.
I might suggest something like this in lftp_ssl.cc:

Log::global->Format(7,"gnutls_record_recv: %s  Assuming 

This will result in two complete sentences on the same line,
correctly punctuated, as long as both message texts
both have a period at the end.  I haven't checked that.  I'm not
going to quibble over something like this.  You can leave it as-is
if you like.  This is just a suggestion.

As to your claim that the new development snapshot of lftp
does indeed send a close_notify alert to the server prior to
closing the control connection when TLS is used, I guess I'll
have to take your word for it.  I could not find the word "alert"
anywhere in the source package, and the word "notify" could only be
found in reference to notifying other jobs of some event.  Of
course, there are lots of references to "close".  Too many.
I can't separate the wheat from the chaff.

For the same reason, though I downloaded the source code
for vsftpd, I could not verify that it does *not* send a
close_notify alert.  I'm afraid that my miniscule C/C++
programming skills are not up to the task.  I am willing
to file a bug report against vsftpd, but I could easily
get shouted down or ignored as someone who doesn't know
what he's talking about.  I'm wondering if it would be better
if you opened the bug report with vsftpd.  You do know what
you're talking about.  And as the maintainer of a popular FTP
client, you would have a lot more clout with the vsftpd maintainer
than I would.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you two already
know each other from working together on bug reports in the past.
What do you think?  Would it be better for me to do it?  Or would
it be better for you to do it?

I could not find a bug-reporting e-mail address for vsftpd,
or a list server for questions.  Apparently, you have to directly
e-mail the maintainer

Chris Evans <scarybea...@gmail.com>

And if you're lucky, he may reply.  If you two don't know each other,
I would suggest introducing yourself as the upstream maintainer of
lftp in the first sentence.  That should increase your chances of
getting a reply.

While we're on the subject, I'm very impressed with both the quality
and speed of service for lftp!  Thanks again so much!

  .''`.     Stephen Powell    
 : :'  :
 `. `'`
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