Dear Rich,

On Oct 4, 2014, at 3:50 AM, Rich Kulawiec <> wrote:
> I'm not misunderstanding it.  I didn't bother to read it

Those two statements seem to be in conflict to me, as you are next making 
assumptions about what sorts of limits it puts on peer review. You use the 
words "legally constrain the reviewers" but neglect to mention how or why. That 
is not unimportant. It would be like me saying that "America is legally 
constraining me" but neglecting to mention that they are legally constraining 
me from running somebody over with a car.

> In or out of the pool.  You wanna be closed source?  Go for it.  But please,
> stop disengenously pretending to be open source when you're clearly not.

So far the only disingenuous language has been coming from you.

We have been explicit in stating that we are not open source [1,2], and yet you 
are accusing us of doing so.

That is libel and/or slander.

Please stop.

Kind regards,
Greg Slepak

 (we preserved the URL to prevent broken internet links, but changed the title 
and added edits in bold)
[2] (read the section on "source code available")

Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with 
the NSA.

> This is dragging out, so I'm going to try to be brief.
> On Fri, Oct 03, 2014 at 06:07:36PM -0700, Greg wrote:
>> You may also be misunderstanding our NDA.
> I'm not misunderstanding it.  I didn't bother to read it, because the
> mere fact that it exists is the problem.  People who are serious about
> open source and peer review of code do not limit peer review, nor attempt
> to legally constrain the reviewers, nor try to cherry-pick the reviewers
> based on perceived expertise or personal qualities.
> In or out of the pool.  You wanna be closed source?  Go for it.  But please,
> stop disengenously pretending to be open source when you're clearly not.
> ---rsk
> p.s.  In re: "[...] we want to do our best to keep the software in the
> hands of honest, trustworthy folks [...]" -- you've got to be kidding.
> I *hope* you're kidding.
> --
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