--- In Libertarian@yahoogroups.com, "ma ni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Interesting analogy. But these elements are not analogous. 
>1) Most diseases are not treated thusly; most are treated by

Please define "most diseases."  Then explain why the government-as-
disease metaphor must have government as being similar to most 

>2) Infectious disease is defined by one species attacking
>another; the disease of government is human attacking human.

All analogies are inexact.  There are plenty of symbiotic 
relationships in nature where one species "preys" upon another and 
causes it some harm, while protecting it against greater harms.

>3) Humans are not ignorant microbes; ie, we can learn and have

True.  However, as yet, we've not yet proven in practice the 
viability of defense against foreign State attack without a State of 
our own to provide military defense.  I believe that's possible, but 
I could be wrong.

Tim Starr
Fight for Liberty!

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