At 02:05 AM 1/22/2008, you wrote:

--- In <>, Wraith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm all too painfully aware of those who make different "lessor evils"
> arguments. But isn't following that approach how we ended up in
> our current sorry state?

No. The problem has been that most people vote for the MORE EVIL
candidate or Law when they have the chance. If they tended to vote
for libertarian candidates, the parties would offer more and more
libertarian choices.

More evil from the perspective of a libertarian(note small L). There
is also the difference between what people claim they believe in, and
what they tolerate/support in reality. Both are aspects of human psychology
and the power systems they create and maintain.

Sad to say, the Vast Majority despise libertarianism and always will.

Look at this from the perspective of Austrian economics market theory.
There is damn little market for real liberty. One of the reasons, is that
the vast majority are frightened of taking responsibility for their own
actions/inactions, and the consequences there of.  Add in the fact that
there is almost always some Dear Leader type, more than willing to tell
the m-asses what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear,
and you have the reality of human power systems.
                                                             Tu Ne Cede Malis 

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