I've never seen more sanctimonious bullshit than I've been reading in
your posts on this thread.  The only thing Barr will succeed in doing
is driving the final nail in the LPs coffin.  How can nominating
someone that is not a libertarian in any way shape or form do anything
but destroy the party? He will weaken the party to the point of
irrelevance.  And don't give me some line that I think I'm the only
perfect libertarian.  I would have been thrilled if Dr. Ruwart would
have gotten the nomination the same way I was thrilled when Badnarik
got it in '04.   I don't expect the Libertarian Party nominee to be a
perfect libertarian, I just expect the Libertarian Party's nominee to
be a libertarian. Barr isn't.  Not even close.


On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 7:59 PM, Boyd Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Where has he called for the execution of
> non-Christians. Show the link or post it here.
> I could care less what Dr. Robert says. He is all
> emotion and no intellect. Let him pout, whine, and
> cry on his own.
> Strategically, it is not a good move to have Barr in
> front. The radicals control the LNC however, and that
> is where the heart of the party lies.
> Barr will not likely win. What we do now is about
> 2012. It aways has been. Obama will likely win. And
> by simply not initiating force, allowing people to
> make their own mistakes, we will be in a better
> position to win with Ruwart or Smith or Kubby or
> Keaton or even Jingozian(sp?) in 2012. But those
> people need to be running for the other under-card
> elections. That is where the wins can take place.
> Barr/Root need to be used to promote Libertarians on
> the down-ticket races.
> You are right, it is like a game. There is strategy,
> tactics, and winners and losers. Have you ever played
> chess? Poker? Rummy? Monopoly? This game is both
> like and unlike them all. The closest I can come to
> explaining it is that we have deliberately under-bid
> in order to bluff our knight sacrifice and to gain a
> strategic position on the board in order to set up win
> later on.
> That is confusing I know. But what we can use
> Barr/Root to achieve for the next 4 years will be
> tremendous. And yes I know there are risks associated
> with Barr/Root but they are controllable, the risks
> are within acceptable limits.
> --- Julius No <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am with Dr. Robert on this one.
> http://roberto-de-sonora.blogspot.com/2008/05/bob-barr.html
>> You don't get away with calling for execution of non
>> christians and
>> get away with it, unless You are the LP National and
>> are hell bent on
>> promoting a ticking time bomb to insure the status
>> quo stays in power
>> and the LP self destructs. Somebody should have
>> vetted this guy before
>> the convention, somebody besides the LP National.
>> I have discovered Big Oil controls the LP since the
>> early 80s. They
>> (The financing leaders of the LP who stay in the
>> back ground) have no
>> interest in seeing any energy competition at all.
>> The dollar needs Oil
>> to back it up, otherwise the ongoing Statist game
>> falls apart. So Big
>> Oil gets a pass. We have Oil-ARMS-Fiat-illegal
>> drugs. Just like the
>> Brits had Tea-Silver-Opium. The Game continues.
>> Just wait till we are a week away from election day.
>> Bob Barr will be all over the front pages. It won't
>> be pretty.

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