Quoting Boyd Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> Look, I'm not as familiar with Barr's record as some of you are, but I
>> have a question: Does somebody have to _always, from the beginning_
>> been a libertarian before he or she is pure enough? Isn't it possible
>> for people to "learn better?"
> I did.  Granted I was not in congress.  But at one time I was much   
> the conservative.  Until I began to realize that no ones rights   
> outweighed anyone elses rights.  And that rights were an individual   
> thing.  And it took over 15 years to discover Rand from that point   
> and 3 more from there to discover the LP.  It is a long process for   
> some of us.

That's more or less what I've been saying for a while---not  
_everybody_ is a libertarian straight from the cradle, and in this  
culture, it's more surprising that we have as many libertarians as we  
have than that there are non-libertarians around.

And even libertarians disagree on some things.

For that matter, I think that if I told El Neil, Himself himself, that  
I was going to treat every word out of his mouth as infallible gospel,  
and follow him around and treat him as a guru, he'd probably smack me  
one upside the head and tell me to do my *own* thinking.  Too much of  
that sort of nonsense was part of what torpedoed the old Objectivist  
movement back in '68...

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