From: "Gary F. York" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Sounds like I may be able to console myself; perhaps, just perhaps, Ward 
> is thicker than Gary. :)

Mentally, probably.  Physically, I'm down to 225 lbs from a peak of about 270.

> Sounds like your sisters were delightfully naughty.

Any girl, no matter how butt-ugly, can get laid.  My sisters look a lot like me 
with less beard, better mustache (the picture at the bottom of is ten years old, I don't get many pictures 
taken).  My oldest nephew (currently in Iraq, he did his time in the Army but 
joined the USAF reserve for the pin money) was born shortly after #2 sister's 
16th birthday.  (All three are younger than I am, after my conception caused 
their marriage, the folks wanted me to have a brother, finally gave up -- good, 
because I have a lot of brothers by choice rather than by familial requirement 
and several are on this list).
Ward Griffiths    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"What I know [about the art of the sword] boils down to this:  If you see a guy 
running at you with a sword, put two rounds in his chest to slow him down, then 
one into his brain to finish him off".  Aaron Allston, _Sidhe Devil_

The two halves of the ruling Party are arguing over who gets to be the Top this 
time.  Either wins, Top or Bottom, they both win by the situation.  For us 
individuals, BOHICA.

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