
> From: "Gary F. York" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sounds like I may be able to console myself; perhaps, just perhaps, Ward 
>> is thicker than Gary. :)
> Mentally, probably.  Physically, I'm down to 225 lbs from a peak of about 270.
:)  Right about where I am now, actually.
>> Sounds like your sisters were delightfully naughty.
> Any girl, no matter how butt-ugly, can get laid.  My sisters look a lot like 
> me with less beard, better mustache (the picture at the bottom of 
> http://home.comcast.net/~wdg3rd/ is ten years old, I don't get many pictures 
> taken).  My oldest nephew (currently in Iraq, he did his time in the Army but 
> joined the USAF reserve for the pin money) was born shortly after #2 sister's 
> 16th birthday.  (All three are younger than I am, after my conception caused 
> their marriage, the folks wanted me to have a brother, finally gave up -- 
> good, because I have a lot of brothers by choice rather than by familial 
> requirement and several are on this list).
> --
> Ward Griffiths    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dude!  I sure hope your sisters never join this group.  After all; the 
archives are eternal.  (Well, sorta.)  Would make your family reunion hell.

I like what you said; "brothers by choice."  And what the hell did they 
mean by the saying, "Blood is thicker than water."?


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