From: "Gary F. York" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Zack,
> (First let me say I share your opinion of 'modern art'.)
> I really am trying to understand "where you're coming from."  Do please 
> have patience if I get it wrong.

You're going to have to go through the archives for that, son.  Basically, he 
feels it's his right to fuck on his front lawn with however many women he can 
attract or rent.  He's seriously into polygyny.  I happen to agree that that is 
his right.  I also prefer to use the back yard, as I don't need an audience to 
prove my studliness.  I'm also more of a polyandrist.  As Eastwood said, "A 
man's got to know his limitations".  I'm not a major stud, but from evolution 
I've got good hands and I'm a tool user.

Oh yeah, he's an asshole who argues for the sake of having a conflict, whether 
somebody already agreed with him or not.  I recommend therapy, but not being a 
statist I wouldn't force it on him the way the Obamalamadingding or McClown 
administration is likely to, once the government learns how to use their new 
powers of internet search and destroy.  (He's not first on the list and I'm not 
last, but we're both on it).
Ward Griffiths    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"What I know [about the art of the sword] boils down to this:  If you see a guy 
running at you with a sword, put two rounds in his chest to slow him down, then 
one into his brain to finish him off".  Aaron Allston, _Sidhe Devil_

The two halves of the ruling Party are arguing over who gets to be the Top this 
time.  Either wins, Top or Bottom, they both win by the situation.  For us 
individuals, BOHICA.

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