Zack Bass wrote:
> --- In, "Gary F. York"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> perhaps Kevin should offer to loan Jane 
>> the money she needs at an acceptable rate of interest.  Note drawn, 
>> signed, witnessed.  Kevin offers Jane the sex-slave contract, with 
>> bonuses each year for satisfactory performance sufficient to clear the 
>> accrued interest on her note and, optionally, some portion of the 
>> principal. If she bails out, you hold the balance of her note which she 
>> is then free to repay by other means -- even if by seeking a preferable 
>> 'master'.
> You're thinking of Brad.  He's a swell guy.  But he doesn't have that
> kind of money.
> Kevin isn't interested in that kind of deal - too easy to dump him
> when the going gets rough.  He was married once.
Sad.  Life is full of disappointments.  "Once burned; twice shy." 

How about drafting the contract you propose.  That should be interesting.


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