At 05:11 PM 10/7/2008, you wrote:

--- In <>, "Gary F. York"
> Zack Bass wrote:
> > The exact same thing, via different mechanisms but
> > the same result, will occur in AnCap.
> > All those little old ladies who want to outlaw
> > Lap Dancing will still have the same power that
> > they have now, if they are not prevented by Force
> > from imposing their preferences upon the
> > Weak Minority (me).
> If my protection agency was intimidated by a herd of "little old
> ladies," I'd fire 'em and find a better one.

Are you sure you are AnCap? I never said it was YOUR Protection
Agency. There are COMPETING Agencies, and the Little Old Ladies'
Agency has the same support there as the Government has here, namely:
The Vast Majority of people want to outlaw Lap Dancing and put pants
on dogs and punish Public Nudity, so their Agency gets massive funding
and support. The Teeny Minority who want these things to go
unpunished cannot support an Agency able to stand against the
shitheads' Agency.

Then they aren't using the proper tactics. Never fight an enemies army.
                                                             Tu Ne Cede Malis 

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