--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Gary F. York"
> Not different at all.
> You want the government to make everyone behave 
> as _you_ believe they ought.

No, I don't care whether there is a Government or not.  I do want some
way to ensure that no one will Initiate Force against me.

> You want government to make them honor your 'right'
> to kill people who tick you off by violating their 
> contracts with you.

Honor Schmonor, I don't want a Government at all, I just want no one
(Government or anyone else) to Initiate Force against me, that's all.

> You want everyone to play by _your_ rules and
> use your definition of what is right and honorable.

No, I want them to refrain from Initiating Force.

> We libertarians tend to think the NAP would be a
> really nifty guideline (law, code, etc.).
> It is, granted, a major departure from the past.  
> It's untried, unproven, no one knows how it would work
> out in practice; still, we think it would be way cool.


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