Zack Bass wrote:
> --- In, "Gary F. York"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The libertaria I envisage is anarcho-capitalistic.
> Well there's yer problem right there.  You are not interested in NAP,
> you are interested in... whatever, something else.
Perhaps we've had different teachers; perhaps you've never looked into 
AnCap.  And, I suppose to be fair, I should include the possibility that 
_I_ misunderstand AnCap (slight though that may be).

But for the moment we may lay aside for later discussion what exactly 
constitutes anarcho-capitalism.  For the moment, the issue is what I 
believe and I do accept NAP.  For that matter, I believe that anyone who 
truly embraces NAP _must_ be or become an AnCap.  It's a logical 
consequence, don'tca know?  (Guess not.)  We can discuss it later if you 

Meanwhile, this was another strawman.
> So you do not agree with my main axiom, that it is Morally Wrong to
> Initiate Force against Kevin.
> Okay, we can still discuss it, but instead of talking about what is
> Morally Right, as I could do with a NAPster, we will have to talk
> about what conforms to NAP, without any implication that we agree or
> disagree with NAP, or what is Morally Wrong, just the logic.
> I will have to avoid terms like Morally Wrong, and you will have to
> avoid bringing up irrelevant shit like "Some people will kill some
> other people if they do what some people don't like, like fucking, or
> smoking indoors."  All that will matter now is, does Kevin's action
> Initiate Force?
> Okay, then what I should have said is merely that Kevin can enforce
> his Contract without violating NAP.  If you agree with THAT, then we
> are done.  If you don't, explain what exactly you think he did that
> Initiated Force.
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