Zack Bass wrote:
> The question I posed involved this scenario:
> "I say that it would be Wrong for someone to Punish Kevin for that
> act.  As I understand it, you would agree, because any Punishment
> after the fact cannot be considered Defensive."
> SO:
> Do you agree or do you not agree that it would be Immoral to punish
> Kevin, after the fact, for what he just did?
What on earth are you going on about?  I already said I did not condone 
'punishment' or 'retaliation'.  I'm about restitution and restraint.

Kevin, were I (or my protection agency) in charge of him, will be 
restrained -- at least until the community can decide how much (if any) 
of Kevin's remaining assets should go to compensate Jane's heirs.  The 
balance of his assets, if any, will likely go toward Kevin's continued 
upkeep and restraint.  Kevin may access the balance of his assets, while 
in restraint, and may live as comfortably and luxuriously as he can 
afford and for as long as he can afford it.  He may invest his funds; he 
may create and run businesses, hire and fire employees; but should he 
prove imprudent and find himself financially embarrassed, no longer able 
to afford even his rent, food, and guard, he may turn to that very same 
hypothetical organ bank to which he stupidly offered Jane's heart.  And 
he may solicit charity if he can find anyone feeling charitable toward him.


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