--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Zack Bass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Gary F. York"
> <gfyork@> wrote:
> >
> > I do not recall anywhere in my extensive reading of 
> > the literature which upholds NAP where force is ever
> > justified by anything save defense.
> > But perhaps my memory fails with age.  Pointer?
> >
> Beats me.  I'm not regurgitating stuff I read anywhere.  But surely
> someone other than I has been able to REASON and figure that out too.

Ah yes.  Here.  Turns out many AnCaps agree with my preference:
Like classical liberalism, and unlike anarcho-pacifism,
anarcho-capitalism permits the use of force, as long as it is in the
defense of persons or property. The permissible extent of this
defensive use of force is an arguable point among anarcho-capitalists.
Retributive justice, meaning retaliatory force, is often a component
of the contracts imagined for an anarcho-capitalist society. Some
believe prisons or indentured servitude would be justifiable
institutions to deal with those who violate anarcho-capitalist
property relations, while others believe exile or forced restitution
are sufficient."

Oh gosh, I am not the only one who can Reason this out.

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