--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Gary F. York"
> I do not recall anywhere in my extensive reading of 
> the literature which upholds NAP where force is ever
> justified by anything save defense.
> But perhaps my memory fails with age.  Pointer?

Beats me.  I'm not regurgitating stuff I read anywhere.  But surely
someone other than I has been able to REASON and figure that out too.

If the definition of libertarian were that Violence is justified ONLY
IN DEFENSE, then I would not want to be a libertarian.  But I do not
think that is the accepted definition of ALL libertarians.

Certainly anyone who uses Force ONLY IN DEFENSE is a NAP-libertarian
too.  I just don't think that they are the only ones.

"A libertarian is a person who believes that no one has the right,
under any circumstances, to **INITIATE** force against another human
being, or to advocate or delegate its **INITIATION**. Those who act
consistently with this principle are libertarians, whether they
realize it or not. Those who fail to act consistently with it are not
libertarians, regardless of what they may claim."
- L. Neil Smith

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