Good morning, Frank!

Frank Reichert wrote:

> This cesspool was created by both the Democrats and Republicans.
> Certainly there are other choices around, they just aren't heard.
> Largely by design.  At the local level, I can't say that.  I was
> given pretty good coverage most of the time, and I still lost
> horribly.
> So. The status quo continues. At least for now.

A number of years ago, on a quiet afternoon in June I believe it was, you,
Roger Erdman and I held a free-wheeling discussion in these hallowed halls
about the perceived "dumbing down of America", which the three of us all
felt was taking place all around us, and at that time, we were openly
speculating about the impact it would have on our political
infrastructures. I submit that the discussion we once held has come full
round, and that other than a minority of Americans who still hold college
degrees, the dumbing down of Americans has more or less taken place as we
once foresaw that it would. 

The net result is that the majority of Americans no longer truly look at
the issues or even the candidates, for the most part. We have become a
nation misled, and in the words of our founders, a nation not worthy of
the freedoms we still possess. In a time of history when "packaging", in
the form of public relations and big war chests filled with political
contributions, rather than substance and acumen, count more for the voters
than anything else, even the venerable old Harry Truman would have a
difficult time being elected President against the likes of Bill Clinton
or George W. Bush, in my opinion. 

Is this a tentative swing of the pendulum, where having swung so far to
the politically conservative side, we are sooner or later bound to swing
back to the liberal policies of the past? Or will sanity, in the form of
Libertarian thought, finally be heard in the national airwaves, as America
begins to search its own past to find a solution? However, we need to be
building war chests and carefully assessing candidates to find ways to
create good public relations schemes, for that is the watchword of this
generation, it seems. 

With the success of the dumbing down of America, selling a political party
on the basis of logic and well-defined goals will not work in America
anymore. Libertarians need glitzy cheap "gadgets", and deep war chests to
be elected to public office, now more than ever. 

The Used Kharma Lot
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