I would much rather see spending cuts than tax reform and/or cuts. 
Rearranging who pays taxes does not stop the real problem.

On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 10:06:42 -0800, Jay P Hailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone want to comment?
> GOP Discusses National Sales Tax
> Wednesday, December 01, 2004
> WASHINGTON - While Republican leaders of the House and Senate are huddling
> for the next two days in Norfolk, Va., to chart the agenda for the upcoming
> Congress, White House officials meeting with them on tax reform are likely
> to debate the idea of a national sales tax.
> President Bush and House Speaker Dennis Hastert (search) have both said the
> idea of a national sales tax deserves a serious look. For many, the idea of
> a world without the Internal Revenue Service is very seductive.
> "We spend about $400 billion a year complying with the tax code. We spend
> $200 billion a year just filling out IRS paperwork," said Rep. John Linder,
> R-Ga., who has proposed a bill that would create a national sales tax.
> Proponents have spent millions on research and have concluded that a
> national sales tax can replace the income tax, payroll tax, estate tax and
> corporate tax. Advocates say the new tax would lower the cost of
> manufacturing and job creation and attract foreign investments, among other
> things.
> "If we were to get rid of the sales or the income tax and the payroll tax
> and all compliance costs, we would be so ferociously competitive in a world
> economy that corporate America would not be competed with unless foreign
> corporations started building their plants in America," Linder said.
> Proponents seek a 23-cent national sales tax on all retail goods, everything
> from groceries to clothes, cars to electronics. Everyone would pay the same
> rate, which critics argue is part of the problem.
> "If you consume $40,000 a year and you make $50,000 a year, would you feel
> it is fair if a guy who made a half a million dollars a year but spent
> $40,000 a year paid the same tax you do? I think you wouldn't feel it's
> fair," said Buck Chapoton, former assistant treasury secretary.
> Sales tax advocates say the rich will always consume more than people in the
> lower and middle classes, and will pay wealth that is untaxed now.
> "The current tax only taxes income. This tax taxes wealth. There are a lot
> of people who have inherited huge sums who are paying no income tax
> whatever, they will pay taxes when they spend it," Linder said.
> Critics contend that the sales tax would have to be higher than advocates
> advertise.
> "It would require at least a 30 percent rate, that's a very high rate and
> may create tax evasion on its own," said Chris Edwards, a tax analyst with
> the Cato Institute. "The highest state sales tax we've got right now is only
> 11 percent. So there's a great unknown here, would the government be able to
> actually collect a 30-percent sales tax?"
> Sales tax backers say their tax is relatively easy to collect - forty-five
> states already do it - and the tax would collect revenue from the vast,
> underground economy.
> "About a trillion dollars now is in the underground economy, untaxed. That's
> just three items - pornography, illicit drugs and illegal labor. We wouldn't
> make them more legal if we had a sales tax, but what we would do is tax them
> when they spent it for personal consumption," Linder said.
> Critics say two categories of Americans won't like the sales tax: millions
> who don't pay federal income taxes and workers about to retire who could see
> their nest eggs devoured by a large and unexpected sales tax.
> --
> Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
> MSNIM - jayphailey ;
> AIM -jayphailey03;
> ICQ - 37959005
> HTTP://jayphailey.8m.com
> No more secrets, no more lies
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