On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 18:44:14 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Travis Pahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I forgot who Robert Anton Wilson was quoting when he said, "If voting could
> change the system, it would be illegal."  But then RAW added, "If NOT
> voting could change the system, IT would be illegal."

I am not claiming it will change the system.  I fully recognize my
vote is not going to have much of an effect on anything.  It is very
insignifigant.  but I certainly see it as more positive to provide
zero votes for any candidate that is moving in the opposite direction
as my ideal, than provide on for the slightly better candidate. 
(which btw if I was forced to chose one of the two and had to vote,  I
would have voted for Kerry).

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