On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 09:39:21 PST, shadow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 06-Dec-04, Travis Pahl wrote:
>  TP> No.  You can not stop the election from being held or the office from
>  TP> being filled.  But voting for one candidate or the other does not help
>  TP> you in anyway.  You vote is not going to change the outcome, nor is
>  TP> the outcome really crucial.  By not voting you are sending a stronger
>  TP> (although still weak) message for what is right than a vote for either
>  TP> of the bad candidates.
> You think there's little difference between Gregoire and Rossi?

I read an article in the Seattle weekly today.  The last line was
something along the lines of... " do not worry if there is still not a
clear winner the day Locke steps down.  It won't really effect you.' 
And that is the truth.  Regardless of which one wins, the state of
washington is not going to change much.  I want Rossi only because the
D's got control of the legislature & it gives Bennets campoagin more
publicity in the future.

I was proud to vote for bennett and would seriously hate myself for
making a decision to vote for either of the other two.

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