On Fri, 2004-12-10 at 12:04 -0800, Dave Laird wrote:
> Good afternoon...
> shadow wrote:
> > Yes, it can provide you with new living quarters, new diet, new friends,
> > and new dating opportunities.
> You forgot the new "opportunity" to serve on local juries even if it
> provides an economic hardship to you or your family. I know the news media
> tells you otherwise, hinting that they use the Department of Motor
> Vehicles Driver's License database from which to select their juries, but
> I am proof this is NOT SO. 
> Due to a gaffe on my own part, I misspelled my middle name in the voter
> registration, and lo and behold, I was summoned to serve as a juror,
> mispelling and all.

On the other hand, a friend of mine is an Idaho native. She refused to
register to vote on account that she figured it'd keep her off of the
Jury pool rolls. Well, she lost that excuse last month. Yup, she got a
summons while not being registered to vote. Of course, since she favors
quite a bit of government intervention I oppose, I haven't exactly
encouraged her to register and vote anyway. ;) I just stuck my tongue at
her and poked fun at her when she got her summons anyway. :^)


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