Good morning, Bill...

Bill Anderson wrote:

> On the other hand, a friend of mine is an Idaho native. She refused to
> register to vote on account that she figured it'd keep her off of the
> Jury pool rolls. Well, she lost that excuse last month. Yup, she got a
> summons while not being registered to vote. Of course, since she favors
> quite a bit of government intervention I oppose, I haven't exactly
> encouraged her to register and vote anyway. ;) I just stuck my tongue at
> her and poked fun at her when she got her summons anyway. :^)

That's what makes this business of being called for jury duty such a
tedious, painful business, because how and when they choose jurors for the
pool is determined by the Court. Some places, such as Spokane County,
Washington, they use the local voters' registration, while across the
border in Idaho, in some places they use the Department of Motor Vehicles
Registrations. There are rumors, even, that in some areas the Court uses
some random method which, to this date, remains a mystery. My humble wife,
for example, was called three times in two years. I was never called. 

I believe that is because I have told everyone within an arms reach, that
if I were ever put on a jury, I would vote NOT GUILTY, regardless of the
crime, regardless of whether or not they were, indeed, guilty. The
alternative to that method is to state I would encourage other jurors to
flip a coin to determine the guilt or innocence. My theoretical process of
intimidation to avoid being selected on a jury seems to be working.

Of course, in real life, the fact I wrote several hundred pages, caged in
the most contemptuous terms imaginable, about the police and prosecutors
ludicrous behavior during the arrest and trial of Ralph Benson, the man
responsible for killing the late Roger Erdman, might be part of the
reason. The fact that these documents, which detailed how the police
perjured themselves, and the prosecutors let it "fly by", all were put on
a public web page, probably hasn't hurt, either. 

[laughing to myself] No, I don't think I will be called as a potential
juror in Washington State anytime soon. But I *DO* get frequently pulled
over by police to see if I have committed any *new* infractions of the law
that they might want to know about. Thus far I haven't told them any. 

The Used Kharma Lot
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