Greetings liberty_nw!

It's been years since I posted anything here, welcome back Frank.

In another thread or, perhaps it also appears here, Idaho's own Frank 
Reichert stated that he was under-funded in a recent North Idaho election. 
The 'big two' were able to get their messages out and therefore became the 
top two vote-getters in his race. I want to personally thank Frank for his 
effort and commitment to running for public office.

So, why does it cost so much to run for public office at any level? Why do 
voters continue their long standing practice of hearing from and voting for 
one of two choices?

During the Presidential election, I remember V.P. Dick Cheney being asked 
about the democratic elections about to take place in Iraq. When asked about 
the countless political factions in Iraq, Cheney stated that the fewer 
factions the better because the 'electoral process' is easier to 'control'.

Cheney's remarks should of sparked some debate over how our political 
process is conducted and controlled here in America. I'm sure it's no 
surprise that money has been king for some time. Our entire electoral 
process has been corrupted far too long. Whenever anyone attempts to talk 
about it reporters and camera crews run the other way. Why does our 
so-called free media not address this issue? Follow the money, who are the 
benefactors of all the massive campaign spending?

How will our corrupt elections in America ever become open, free elections? 
The public airwaves are supposed to belong to us, 'the people'. Our 
political process gives authority to the Federal Communications Commission 
to regulate and license our airwaves. If our political leadership had any 
balls, something, anything would be adequately debated and passed into law 
giving all candidates open and free access to 'the people'.

In 1992, I supported a concept of giving voting Americans the power of 
Referendum at the National level. Nobody in the then current administration 
wanted to speak on this important issue. I believe today as I did then, a 
corrupt system will never reform itself as long as it remains in power. 
Voices outside our political power structure must be heard from, anything 
less equals what Dick Cheney referred to as a 'controlled election'.

Collectively, all Americans should demand from our elected representatives 
and media,  free and open debate of this important election reform issue.

Independently yours,

Steven Thompson
Former State Chairman
Reform Party of Washington

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