"Steven Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:

>How will our corrupt elections in America ever become open, free
>The public airwaves are supposed to belong to us, 'the people'. Our 
>political process gives authority to the Federal Communications Commission

>to regulate and license our airwaves. If our political leadership had any 
>balls, something, anything would be adequately debated and passed into law

>giving all candidates open and free access to 'the people'.

I'm afraid that doing following the above desideratum exactingly and in
meaningful degree would require broadcasting stations to devote such a
large fraction of their time to politics as to make viewers and advertisers
very upset.

Consider the number of candidates there are for elected public offices,
taking all offices and all elections, primary and general, into account. 
Then consider that there would likely be an increase in the number of
candidates if they knew they'd get free broadcast time -- maybe a slight
increase, maybe a huge increase.

Candidates would require extended time, not just sound bites.  To be fair,
it'd have to be done at times and on days so as to balance out the audience
draw.  You couldn't stick some in prime time, others at 3 AM.  Fortunately,
the onslaught would be limited to election season.

Now add to that all issues of public contention & interest; the poster did
write (my emphasis) "anyTHING would be adequately debated".  Unless I got
that wrong, that would require even more broadcast time.  There usually
being 2 sides to every issue, fairness would be satisfied by running the
debate at any time of day or night, sides alternating.  However, there
would be no season the debates would be limited to, inasmuch as issues of
policy importance can come up any time.

Reduce the price of something to 0, and quantity demanded explodes.

Your Sin: Liberty,
Robert in the Bronx
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