Good evening to YOU Steve!

Steven Thompson wrote to Frank Reichert...

> Greetings liberty_nw!
> It's been years since I posted anything here, welcome back Frank.

Indeed it has! Frankly, it's been a real bear to get usenet news,
and all the links working as they should, and unfortuntely they
still don't always works perfectly... I've had posts sent from
usenet that don't seem to make trip sometimes.  For the record:

1. Dave Laird has been spectaculor!  From his hub, Liberty
Northwest, and the interface with the email list works almost

Unfortunately, the other downstream hubs that are "supposed" to
work, don't sometimes.  Which means essentially that some of the
correspondence between usenet and this list don't make it through
the pipeline for some reason, and I am sorry for that!  Mine

2. Mr. Bill Anderson has the gateway to usenet, and has software
to at least get the usuall email list posted correctly at this
moment to

If you get this venue from there, you'll almost always get the
real stuff as it is really posted.  I'm not realy, as yet, to
announce that this is the ONLY gateway!  I hope it doesn't come
to that, actually.  In fact, and I'll be honest, there are still
some REAL  bugs in this system, and I don't honestly know if they
will ever be completely worked out entirely! That's the downside,
and I want to minimize that as best I can!

> In another thread or, perhaps it also appears here, Idaho's own Frank
> Reichert stated that he was under-funded in a recent North Idaho election.

Maybe that was four years ago, when I said such a thing. But
honestly, it still holds today.  My Democratic opponent had a
warchest of $60,000.00 and still lost!  Which was great from my
point of view!

Still, the GOP walked in and spent a bundle to get Eric Anderson
elected, and a lot of that is not on the financial documents at
the Secretary of State's Office until now!

> The 'big two' were able to get their messages out and therefore became the
> top two vote-getters in his race. I want to personally thank Frank for his
> effort and commitment to running for public office.

Well, again, there is much more to this race that you might
already know, or suspect. Such as, the two opponents came out in
a dead tie vote in Bonner County, with 12,000 plus votes cast...
YES! And exact tie!  How did that happen, prey tell?  What are
the probabilities of an exact tie possible in such a race with
over 12,000 votes cast?  You decide.  From my humble perspective,
the odds of that happen go far beyond the possibilities of

Which, incidently calls into question the votes cast for me!  It
was all conveniently even numbers.  Imagine that?  Imagine how I
got magically 280 votes in Boundary County, and then another
even-numbered lot from Bonner County to total 810 votes?  What
are the chances for all of these coincides happening all at the
same time?

I think, or believe, we live in a world of generalities.  I don't
know why votes are counted in such a way, but apparently they
are!  Can't sayhow 'fair' this election was, or even that the
figires are accurate! I don't know, but the probabilities of such
might be suspect none-the-less.

> So, why does it cost so much to run for public office at any level? Why do
> voters continue their long standing practice of hearing from and voting for
> one of two choices?

Who knows?  I have a tremendous problem just dealing with the way
the official figures appeared as the end result, which I find
almost assuredly, impossible!  Again, in Bonner County, an EXACT
TIE! With 12,000 votes cast?  You tell me, what is the
probability of that ever happening?  Maybe, but almost certainly

So, what can *I* do, as a third party candidate to even come
close to calling such a count into question?   Probably nothing
at all, although any thinking human might consider some thing
might be foul here!  And, who is going to do that anyway?

> During the Presidential election, I remember V.P. Dick Cheney being asked
> about the democratic elections about to take place in Iraq. When asked about
> the countless political factions in Iraq, Cheney stated that the fewer
> factions the better because the 'electoral process' is easier to 'control'.

Now, maybe you have the answer here. It's obviously about

At least I don't any problem buying into any of that.

You may want to consider though, it might happen here, at least
in Idaho, as well! Right?

Kindest regards,


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