Greetings Douglas Sheets!


I see that various others have already responded appropriately to your posts.  But the target is so juicy that I can’t resist piling on.  (For those on the list who are unfamiliar with American colloquialisms, “piling on” is a foul in our national sport of “football”.  It is called by the referree when a player needlessly jumps on a person (or “pile” of people) that are lying on the ground after being tackled.  Obviously, besides being unsportsmanlike, it creates the danger of needless injury—even “needless” as defined by the one of the most violent and injury-prone sports known to man.)


One of the problems in our society is that people have taken something that is good, for instance, calling religious people on their imposition of overbearing morality, and turned it into a fetish.  For instance, any mention of things religious or the display of religious symbols is fetishized as “bilble thumping” or “religious bigotry” or “imposing morality.”  I’m sorry to say, Douglas, that you’ve crossed the line into fetishism.


Another instance of this is the slide from calls by a minority (like atheists) for tolerance from a majority (like Christians) into intolerance by the minority of any _expression_ by the majority.  The wonder of countries like the US and most of Europe is that the majority has managed to learn tolerance—to the point that we need to fix the problem of tolerating intolerance by minorities.  Again, I’m sorry to say, Douglas, that you’ve crossed the line into intolerance.  The tolerance that we celebrate which allows various Christian, Jewish, and Muslim groups to worship, speak and believe as they will is the same tolerance that allows you to refuse to do so.


As I believe Robert (and perhaps others) pointed out, there was no proselytizing content in either Dave Laird’s posts or in mine.  In fact, both posts (even Dave’s!) were remarkably free of moralizing.  And our discussion of religious history was pretty much fact-based—or at least an attempt to be fact-based.  If you believe that either of us got facts wrong, we would welcome the education.  (I suppose you could say that Dave’s post implied some moralizing about the harm drugs can do.  And I suppose you *could* interpret one sentence of mine about the Reformation period as suggesting that corruption had crept into the church rather than simply being a statement that those trying to reform the church were attempting to reform the corruption they perceived.  But other than that, there really wasn’t any statement implying which is good or which is evil or which was better than another.  It was simply “this is what happened and this is why.”)


That discussion of history IS on topic in this list—even for the topics which you appear to be interested in.  How can we possibly discuss how (or whether) “the world is going to hell in a handbasket” without discussing the history of how we got here (or the history of handbaskets that the world has been in before)?  How can we possibly discuss Iraq without talking about religion when so many people in Iraq (and the larger Middle East) see the conflict as an extension of earlier religious wars (Muslim and Christian)?  It’s like talking about freedom of the press and then not wanting to talk about the history of the Zenger trial; or talking about the right to keep and bear arms without talking about the historical causes and outcome of the American Revolution or the English right and duty to arms; or talking about freedom of religion without…oh wait, you don’t want to talk about religion; or talking about….but you get the idea.  There was another thread about repeating history, you might profit from re-reading it.


Lowell C. Savage

It’s the freedom, stupid!

Gun control: tyrants’ tool, fools’ folly.


Hi, Lowell,

I'm back again after several months of doing something more important than dwelling upon religious bigotry and turning what is supposed to be a Libertarian Sub into a religious "bible thumping" channel.


Answer me this then, will you, why are you bucking up to such bullshit as this, even responding to religious morality nonsense when the world is going to hell in a handbasket? Take a look at this thread, one you support obviously...

> Yes, that is an unconscionable gaffe that crept into the logic here.
> However, the Christian faith we know today was not "invented" nor came to
> life until the post-Reformation, which is an interesting fact. If we
> compare Christianity 2000 years ago with today, or, in particular, if we
> study Christianity in the pre-Reformation with Christianity as we know it
> today, the two are shockingly dissimilar.

I know for sure, I've seen it before, Laird is screwed up. Why are you signing on to this goofball crap on talking about religious history on a Libertarian sub? Isn't the Iraq crap enough for you to dwell upon as a minimum of bull shit?

You would have been better served by demanding Laird take his crap to some bible thumping channel somewhere else, and there are many of those to be found. Why here? Where is Frank in all of this?

Frank, where the fuck are you anyway? Why is something like this even being tolerated here?

Dr. E. Douglas Sheets

DR. E. DOUGLAS SHEETS* Philosopher * Teller of tales
* Man with all the right answers * Deep sea diver * ###########################################

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