Here's an interesting take on the effects of politics on religion and vice
versa in America.

One of the points he touched on is one that I've been thinking about
recently.  The atheists who have been demanding that we strip all references
to "Christmas" from the "Holiday Season" may be doing Christianity a favor.
For some time there has been concern about how much Christmas has been
secularized and commercialized to the point that its true meaning is easily
lost.  But now come the militant atheists working to strip away every symbol
associated with Christmas (no green and red plates at the school potluck,
for crying out loud).  In so doing, they are pushing ALL that symbology
firmly back into the hands of Christians--where it can be associated with
the ideas with which Christians want it associated, instead of watered down
by other influences.

As Bastiat would say, there are effects seen and those unseen.

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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