I'm having a very difficult time trying to understand those who
wouldn't admit Bush has done anything right when it comes to his
trying to pass a bill that would allow those of us under 55 to invest
some of the Social Security money in better investments that most
likely won't run dry way before my children get a chance to collect
and my kids are only 19 and 21 years younger than myself.

Isn't it true that Congressmen don't have to pay Social Security?
Maybe I'm mistaken about which group, but I know someone on Capital
Hill isn't. I wish I could vote myself a raise. Hell, nothing like
giving a den of thieves the key to the vault and saying "Have at it,
but don't get TOO greedy or the peasants might revolt." If anything is
revolting it is that American's have been forced for years to pay for
Social Security. My grandfather paid very little into the system and
actually didn't get all that much back out of it, but did live to be
80.  Back when it was first instituted people's average life span was
give or take 50 years of age. In the next 20 years, we will see many
people living to be 90 and 100.  To live to be 100 is not the great
feat it used to be.

Personally, I think we need to step backwards a bit and not to be
simplistic minded, but I think it would be nice to be able to have 3
generations in a household, where all contributed. Where Grandparents
were as important as the parents and the elder children in raising up
the younger children. Where kids didn't expect to get paid for doing
chores. Just recently my daughter suggested I get welfare to pay for
me to have a house keeper for the things that are difficult to do and
then she would help me. I looked at her and asked why she wouldn't
help me simply because I am her mom and there are good days and bad
days and on bad days I have difficulty standing in one place, so I sit
and roll around the kitchen on a desk chair to cook and clean. 

She argued a bit more and I said I don't believe in nepotism, because
it never works. Then it was suggested that I apply and we just split
the money. I have a friend that did that. He didn't work the hours he
was paid for, yet he did some ... very little cleaning and
occasionally cooked for his sister who usually was very able.

The family is dying before our very eyes. Not all families but more
and more. Granted, older kids are moving back home BUT they are not
contributing their fair share to making ends meet. I charged $200 a
month room and board and asked that they get their own food and Lordy,
the cost of dish soap, laundry soap, the fact that the main bath was
always grungy and the stress alone was not nearly worth $200 a month..
More like $200 a day :o)

We need to have something hit American with such force we will not
have a choice but to step backwards a bit and learn to rely on
ourselves and not on technology as much as we do. If someone comes up
with an EMP blast without the nuclear bomb (maybe they have and I
haven't heard) we would learn really quickly how to go back a decade
or few and learn to share and be neighborly and help each other again,
instead of expecting the federal gov. or the state gov. to take care
of us.

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