Hello All,

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 04:57:14 -0500, "Doris Gordon"

>> > No human being has the right -- under any circumstances -- to initiate
>force against another human being, nor to advocate, threaten or delegate its
I disagree with this as there has to be more to the statement. I think
if someone is brewing up a bunch of Meth in the apartment next door to
me, plus selling to the youngest people they can find, thus allowing
people under age to become adults of age, should we find said Meth
brewer, they should be taken straight to jail, do not pass go, given a
minimum sentence of exactly a year in the most rotten jail (Ritzville
Runs pretty close for lack of amenities for those staying with them.
With a Years + one they then have the luxuries of prison, where they
can get their AAS is Computer skills and no doubt chemistry to further
their trade when they get out. 

>> So, if a man commits fraud but does not use force, then police would be
>wrong to use force to arrest him.

Most cops wouldn't unless he resisted arrest. Cops don't beat on
anyone unless it's Rodney King and the tape receding the beating has
carefully been omitted to see why stupid ass Rodney didn't get down to
begin with. If I was innocent and a cop told me to hip the dirt, I
would do so even with my knees and back being what they are. They 
would have their reasons and I wouldn't consider it a harsh thing. I
would really like to know the entire truth about Rodney, a known thug,
who ended up getting the best seats at a baseball game. I wonder what
would have happened had Rodney been a white man dressed in a suit
getting beaten. Most say he never would have gotten beaten. Wrong. Ol'
Rodney did something to really piss off some cops and I don't believe
it was a matter of racism, as I remember there were some black cops
there as well.

> > Politics is about using the right language and clear concepts.
>> Is "initiation of force" really the right language?

What is the RIGHT language? Does this mean that we must all bow to the
manners of Politically Correct? I refuse to even begin to do it. I say
what I want in the way that I want. In that, I'm prepared for the
onslaught of being called a bigot or whatever one feels.However, if
*I* enjoy watching Black Comedy, which I very much enjoy, every other
word is Nigga... slightly translated from Nigger.. And people who are 
black laugh their butts off. Check out the movie "8 Mile" a story by 
a white rapper who had to break into the black scene to earn his 
right to be a white rapper. Hell, I could be a right rapper. It's
basically making rhyming statements. I learned that in grade school.

>Doris Gordon, Libertarians for Life
>LFL's Web site: http://www.L4L.org
>We use philosophy and science to show why
>abortion is a wrong -- an injustice -- not a right

Hmmm, that is something to think about... Philosophy and science to
show why abortion is wrong? Too bad the little fetus doesn't have a
point where they could ask it what it wants to do. Do a human have
a right to live? Is a fetus human? Hard call to some, not to others.
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